Tools, tips, and tricks to improve the quality of all your personal and professional decisions.
Category Gambler's Ruin
A few months ago, I learned about the Gambler’s Ruin Problem from a career decision story about computer hacker George Hotz.
The Gambler’s Ruin Problem is a concept that is most easily understood in the context of a casino. The source of the issue is that no matter how much money...
Category Decision Multiverse
Annie Duke’s How to decide is a great workbook for anyone looking to learn, refine, or enhance their decision making skills. The Decision Multiverse is one of the tools that...
Category Decision Tree
Annie Duke’s How to decide is a great workbook for anyone looking to learn, refine, or enhance their decision making skills. The Decision Multiverse is one of the tools that...
Category Cognitive Bias
The strongest factors working against us in our effort to make better decisions are our cognitive biases. The most common bias which amplifies our tendencies to look for, evaluate, and...
Category Confirmation Bias
The strongest factors working against us in our effort to make better decisions are our cognitive biases. The most common bias which amplifies our tendencies to look for, evaluate, and...
Category Financial Decision Making
This headline in a recent NY Post article about a NY oil tycoon who in the past lost billions with Enron, then invested with Bernie Madoff, and recently struck out...
In our daily lives, “money” decisions are most frequent. I was recently reminded of one of the best “rules” to keep in mind when making money decisions.
An interesting topic in The Psychology of Money, one of my favorite financial books, is about the idea of how “theory isn’t reality” when it comes to financial decision making....
Category Personal Finance
This headline in a recent NY Post article about a NY oil tycoon who in the past lost billions with Enron, then invested with Bernie Madoff, and recently struck out...
In our daily lives, “money” decisions are most frequent. I was recently reminded of one of the best “rules” to keep in mind when making money decisions.
An interesting topic in The Psychology of Money, one of my favorite financial books, is about the idea of how “theory isn’t reality” when it comes to financial decision making....
Category book summary
If you are like me, and find it tough to keep notes while you are reading a book, book summaries can be your best friend.
Category Money Decisions
In our daily lives, “money” decisions are most frequent. I was recently reminded of one of the best “rules” to keep in mind when making money decisions.
Category book summaries
In the book [Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work], Malcolm Gladwell explores the concept of “thin-slicing” - the ability of our unconscious mind to make quick,...
If you ever ask me for a book recommendation, I’ll likely suggest all or one of the following books. What’s on your list of favorite books on decision making?
In the book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, Malcolm Gladwell explores the concept of “thin-slicing” - the ability of our unconscious mind to make quick, accurate assessments of...
In the book Thinking in Bets, Annie Duke explores the concept of decision-making and how our thinking can often be flawed. Duke argues that we often think in terms of...
Category books
In the book [Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work], Malcolm Gladwell explores the concept of “thin-slicing” - the ability of our unconscious mind to make quick,...
If you ever ask me for a book recommendation, I’ll likely suggest all or one of the following books. What’s on your list of favorite books on decision making?
In the book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, Malcolm Gladwell explores the concept of “thin-slicing” - the ability of our unconscious mind to make quick, accurate assessments of...
In the book Thinking in Bets, Annie Duke explores the concept of decision-making and how our thinking can often be flawed. Duke argues that we often think in terms of...
Category annie duke
In the book Thinking in Bets, Annie Duke explores the concept of decision-making and how our thinking can often be flawed. Duke argues that we often think in terms of...
Category malcolm gladwell
In the book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, Malcolm Gladwell explores the concept of “thin-slicing” - the ability of our unconscious mind to make quick, accurate assessments of...
Category chip heath
In the book [Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work], Malcolm Gladwell explores the concept of “thin-slicing” - the ability of our unconscious mind to make quick,...
Category dan heath
In the book [Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work], Malcolm Gladwell explores the concept of “thin-slicing” - the ability of our unconscious mind to make quick,...
Category Investing
In November 2021, Zillow made the surprising announcement that it was quitting it’s iBuying business. The announcement was surprising due to two reasons: 1) About a year ago Zillow had...
Category Decision to quit
In November 2021, Zillow made the surprising announcement that it was quitting it’s iBuying business. The announcement was surprising due to two reasons: 1) About a year ago Zillow had...
Category Quit
In November 2021, Zillow made the surprising announcement that it was quitting it’s iBuying business. The announcement was surprising due to two reasons: 1) About a year ago Zillow had...